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EZZA - Groove Touareg - FRANCE

Standing out of previous famous tuareg bands, the power trio EZZA transforms and brings the Tuareg music off the usual path, blending, without any concessions, modern rock sounds, African pulse, rhythmic trances and relentless groove. EZZA's desert blues-rock, three-piece dynamic and soul-stirring melodies,and rebellion-fuelled rhythms, produce a more contemporary sound than previously associated with Saharan music.



WOMAD UK, Fest Jazz à Vienne (Fr), Fest Pirineos Sur (SP), Festival de Thau (Fr), Francofolies de la Rochelle, Festi’Val de Marne, Festival Musicalarue (Luxey), Festival Rhizomes (Paris), Les Docks des Suds (Marseille), Festival Pause Guitare (Albi), Festival ZikZac (Aix), Docks des Suds (Marseille), Festival Diwan (Alger), Le Sans Resevre (Perigueux, Fr), des Lendemains qui Chantent (Tulle, Fr), Festival Tribu – la Vapeur (Dijon), Le Bikini (Toulouse) + Femi Kuti, Le Sonambule (Gignac), …




Booking Europe in collaboration with Ma-Case

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